Wednesday October 2, 2013 until Thursday, January 23, 2014

BZIO Expressive Ostend IV

Largely guided by the idea that, since the merger of the PMMK and the Municipal Museum of the City of Ostend which culminated in Mu-Sea (Mu-Zee), there has been and still is hardly any attention on the Ostend artist, except to Ensor, Spilliaert and Permeke, the Art College of Rehabilitation BZIO, initiated by Roland Laridon, decided to organize a number of exhibitions focused on Ostend painters.


The vernissage will take place on Wednesday, October 2nd at 19:30h. Roland Laridon will take the floor and elaborate on the project.
You are cordially invited to which is increasingly a pleasant, busy and with food and drink laid affair.

Opening hours:

The exhibition runs from October 2, 2013 until Thursday, January 23, 2014.
Opening hours are the visiting hours from 17:00 until 21:00h or outside therapy hours.


Belgisch Zeeinstituut Orthopedie
Zeedijk 286 – 288
8400 Ostend, Belgium

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